function DB()
// makes database connection once and returns that connection for use
{global $CONFIG;
static $ret;
if ($ret===NULL) $ret=mysqli_connect($CONFIG['ServerName'], $CONFIG['UserName'], $CONFIG['Password'], $CONFIG['Database']);
return $ret;
function html_QueryStatus($in_Error)
// shows status of query that was run from the page
Query Successful
$ret.="The submitted query was run without issue and its results can be viewed below.";
{$ret.="FF0000\">Query Error\n\n\t\t
$ret.="This tool will only run SELECT queries and the query submitted ";
if ($in_Error=="SELECTFROM")
// No select or from clause
{$ret.="did not contain a 'SELECT' or 'FROM' keyword so it wasn't ";
$ret.="sent to the server.";
elseif (substr($in_Error, 0, 7)=="Invalid")
// invalid character
{$ret.="failed a test that flags possible SQL injections. Queries run with this ";
$ret.="tool cannot contain the string '".substr($in_Error, 8)."'.";
// error from server will display it
{$ret.="was returned in error by the server. Below is the specific error ";
return $ret;
function html_ConnectionStatus($in_ConnectionError, $in_QueryError)
// shows connection status in upper left area
{global $CONFIG;
if (strlen($in_ConnectionError)>1) $bool_Valid=False;
// determines if error present or not
Connection Successful";
else $ret.="FF0000\">Connection Error";
// displays color coded alert about connection
if ($bool_Valid)
// connection valid, will display that message
{$ret.="The user name, password and database ('".$CONFIG['Database']."') information submitted was ";
$ret.="accepted by the MySQL server ('".$CONFIG['ServerName']."') and a connection was made. ";
$ret.="The Query Tool section to the right can now be used to run queries against the database.";
// issue with connection will explain
{$ret.="There are 3 connection steps to this tool--contacting the server, accepting the credentials ";
$ret.="and accessing the specific database. This connection ";
if (strpos($in_ConnectionError, "getaddrinfo failed")!==false)
// failed at server info
{$ret.="failed immediately because it was not able to even find '";
$ret.=$CONFIG['ServerName']."'. Make sure 'ServerName' is typed correctly in the Configuration ";
$ret.="Area of this file.";
else if (strpos($in_ConnectionError, "using password:")!==false)
// failed at credentials
{$ret.="passed the first step and connected to the server ('".$CONFIG['ServerName'];
$ret.="'), but the server did not accept the credentials. Make sure 'UserName' and 'Password' are ";
$ret.="typed correctly in the Configuration Area of this file. Also, make sure those credentials ";
$ret.="are set up and have the proper authorization on the server itself.";
else if (strpos($in_ConnectionError, "to database")!==false)
// failed at database
{$ret.="passed the first step and connected to the server ('".$CONFIG['ServerName'];
$ret.="', passed the second step and the credentials were accepted but failed to connect to ";
$ret.="the '".$CONFIG['Database']."' database. Make sure 'Database' is typed correctly ";
$ret.="in the Configuration Area of this file. Also, make sure those credentials ";
$ret.="are set up and have the proper authorization to that specific database itself.";
{$ret.="failed at an unknown step. Below is the raw error message:";
View All Connection Data";
if (($bool_Valid) && ($in_QueryError!="NoQuery")) $ret.=html_QueryStatus($in_QueryError);
// if connection valid will show query status area
return $ret;
// ++++++++++++++++++ Above: Data functions
// ++++++++++++++++++ Below: Variables
$SQL['SQL']=""; // sql statement to be executed
$SQL['Query']=array(); // result back from mysql server of query
$SQL['Result']=array(); // array of results
$SQL['MaxResults']=50; // maximum number of results query will show, will add LIMIT to any SQL
$SQL['Rows']=-1; // number of rows returned from query
$SQL['Tables']=array(); // holds all tables in database
$SQL['Error_Connect']=""; // error message about connection to database
$SQL['Error_Query']="NoQuery"; // error message about specific query user submitted
$SQL['Status_Connect']=1; // status of connection, 1=valid, 0=invalid
$SQL['Status_Query']=0; // status of query, 0=no query, 1=valid, 2=invalid, 3=show conn data
$SQL['Status']=1; // status of page
//0=invalid connection; 1=valid connection no query; 2=valid connection & query; 3=valid connection & invalid query; 4=show all conn data
$counter_i=0; // counters to loop through data
$str_Invalid=""; // holds which invalid word SQL contains and caused it to fail
$arr_Invalids=array("DELETE", "INSERT", "ALTER", "TRUNCATE", "DROP", "UPDATE", ";");
// invalid input terms for user submitted query, page only runs SELECT queries
// ++++++++++++++++++ Above: Variables
// ++++++++++++++++++ Below: Data processing
if (strlen($SQL['Error_Connect'])>1) $SQL['Status_Connect']=0;
// initializes database connection, gets any errors and updates status
if ($SQL['Status_Connect']==1)
// successful connection will pull all tables from database for use in dropdown
{$tmp_query=mysqli_query(DB(), "SHOW TABLES FROM ".$CONFIG['Database'].";");
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_array($tmp_query)) $SQL['Tables'][]=$r[0];
if (isset($_GET['in_Connection']))
// user wants all connection data
$SQL['Result']=array(array("Function", "Value"), array("get_host_info", mysqli_get_host_info(DB())),
array("get_server_version", mysqli_get_server_version(DB())), array("get_server_info", mysqli_get_server_info(DB())),
array("connect_errno", mysqli_connect_errno()), array("connect_error", mysqli_connect_error()),
array("get_client_version", mysqli_get_client_version()), array("get_client_info", mysqli_get_client_info(DB())),
array("get_proto_info", mysqli_get_proto_info(DB())), array("sqlstate", mysqli_sqlstate(DB())),
array("stat", mysqli_stat(DB())));
for ($counter_i=1; $counter_i<$counter_maxi; ++$counter_i)
// will change first element of each function into link to w3school for it
if ($SQL['Status_Connect']==1)
// successful connection will run queries on it
{if (isset($_GET['in_Table']))
// user submitted table to get structure of
$SQL['SQL']="SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ".mysqli_real_escape_string(DB(), $_GET['in_Table'])." FROM ".$CONFIG['Database'];
if (isset($_POST['in_SQL']))
// user submitted SQL
if (substr($SQL['SQL'], -1)==";") $SQL['SQL']=substr($SQL['SQL'], 0, -1);
// if last character a semicolon, removes it
if ((strtoupper(substr($SQL['SQL'], 0, 6)) !== "SELECT") || (strpos(strtoupper($SQL['SQL']), 'FROM') === false))
// makes sure submitted query starts with SELECT and contains FROM
if ($SQL['Status_Query']==1)
// valid SQL so far, will make sure its limited to $SQL['MaxResults'] results at most
{$tmp_int=strpos($SQL['SQL'], " LIMIT ");
if ($tmp_int)
// SQL already contains LIMIT keyword, will make it less than $SQL['MaxResults'] if over $SQL['MaxResults']
{$str_tmp=substr($SQL['SQL'], $tmp_int + 7);
$tmp_int=strpos($str_tmp, " ");
if ($tmp_int) $str_tmp=substr($str_tmp, 0, $tmp_int);
// extracts numerical value of LIMIT
if ($str_tmp>$SQL['MaxResults']) $SQL['SQL']=str_replace(" LIMIT ".$str_tmp, " LIMIT ".$SQL['MaxResults'], $SQL['SQL']);
// if submitted limit is over $SQL['MaxResults'] replaces it with $SQL['MaxResults']
else $SQL['SQL'].=" LIMIT ".$SQL['MaxResults'];
if ($SQL['Status_Query']==1)
// user requested SQL be run, will validate it
{foreach ($arr_Invalids as $tmp_str) if (strpos(strtoupper($SQL['SQL']), $tmp_str)>0) $str_Invalid=$tmp_str;
if (strlen($str_Invalid)>0)
if ($SQL['Status_Query']==1)
// query passes pre-checks will execute
$SQL['Query']=mysqli_query(DB(), $SQL['SQL']);
if (strlen($str_tmp)>1)
if ($SQL['Status_Query']==1)
// query successfully run will load results into $SQL['Result']
if ($SQL['Rows']>0) while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($SQL['Query']))
{if (count($SQL['Result'])==0) $SQL['Result'][]= array_keys($r);
// ++++++++++++++++++ DATA PROCESSING ABOVE ++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++ PAGE OUTPUT BELOW ++++++++++++++++++
Simple MySQL Query Tool
Database Status
This tool uses MySQLi
to connnect and interact with a MySQL database. The below area details the specifics of this particular
connection and any query that was run.
Query Tool
Use the below area to execute a SELECT query against the database.
Or select a table of the database to view its structure.
Query Results
Below is the SQL submitted to the database and then the results of that query.
This tool automatically limits any query to just results which is why a LIMIT appears in the SQL
even if one was not submitted. That can be modified by changing the $SQL['MaxResults'] value in the Variables area of this script.
".html_Results($SQL['Result']); ?>
Below is all the connection meta-data returned by various MySQLi diagnostic functions. Each function below
also serves as a link to a help page for that function.